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Nike+ Training Club, an ultimate personal trainer: mobile app user guide
  1. Manolis Adamakis
  1. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Attiki, Greece
  1. Correspondence to Dr Manolis Adamakis, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens 17237, Greece; manosadam{at}

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Figure 1

Screenshots of Nike+ Training Club app user interface, showing: (A) the daily log history of a customisable workout plan; (B) the exercises available in the plan; (C) the personalised settings interface during an exercise.

Name of the mobile application

Nike+ Training Club

Category of the mobile application

Health and Fitness


Android (4.4 or later)—iOS (10.0 or later)



About the app

Nike+ Training Club, which is a marketing tool for Nike, is an app for the deliverance of workouts and personalised adaptive training plans for a variety of physical activity levels. It is free of charge indefinitely after download in both Android and iOS platforms and has full and efficient functionality after downloading the selected video workouts through the app, which then can be used without ongoing data connection. No other additional software download is necessary, apart from the ordinary software updates.

Nike+ Training Club is designed to encourage and enhance physical activity by motivating and guiding individuals through a variety of activities. It has a neatly implemented interface set in a grey, black and white colour tone, which has a 15-min, 30-min and 45-min full-body workout training regimen. …

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