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Osteomyelitis pubis versus osteitis pubis: a case presentation and review of the literature
  1. S Pauli1,
  2. P Willemsen1,
  3. K Declerck3,
  4. R Chappel2,
  5. M Vanderveken1
  1. 1Department of Abdominal Surgery, University of Antwerp, Middelheim General Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium
  2. 2Department of Physiotherapy and Revalidation
  3. 3University of Antwerp, Middelheim General Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Vanderveken, Middelheim General Hospital, Lindendreef 1, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium;


An athletic 23 year old man presented with suprapubic tenderness, fever, and raised inflammatory blood variables. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, with a presumed diagnosis of retrocaecal appendicitis, but no abnormalities were found, apart from free fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Imaging of the pubic area suggested bony infection and inflammation. Biopsy and culture confirmed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, a very common pathogen. The final diagnosis was osteomyelitis pubis, an infectious disease, and osteitis pubis, an inflammatory disease.

  • osteitis pubis
  • osteomyelitis pubis
  • diagnosis
  • infectious
  • inflammatory
  • MRI
  • magnetic resonance imaging

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