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Patterns of illness and injury encountered in amateur ocean yacht racing: an analysis of the British Telecom Round the World Yacht Race 1996–1997
  1. C J S Price1,
  2. T J W Spalding1,
  3. C McKenzie1
  1. 1University Department of Neurology, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Price, Box 83 (R3 Neuroscience), University Department of Neurology, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK;


Objectives: To quantify the incidence and type of medical problem arising during an amateur circumnavigation yacht race, the BT Global Challenge.

Methods: All cases from 14 participating yachts in a confidential medical log completed by an appointed medic were reported.

Results: A total of 685 cases were reported, of which 299 (43.6%) were injuries and 386 (56.4%) illnesses. The subtype of injury, illness, and three evacuations at sea are described.

Conclusion: Injury and other forms of medical problem are relatively common in an amateur long distance ocean yacht race. Most can be adequately managed at sea, provided that optimal communication, training, and equipment are provided and maintained.

  • injury
  • illness
  • yacht racing

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