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The use of match day imaging in professional sport
  1. John W Orchard
  1. Correspondence to John W Orchard, Sports Medicine at Sydney University, Cnr. Western Ave & Physics Rd, University of Sydney 2006, Sydney, Australia, jorchard{at}

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In the era of evidence-based medicine, case series are becoming less frequent in BJSM, but such papers can provide the first reports of true innovations in a specialty. The use of ultrasound on the sidelines in the professional sports team setting is likely to become widespread now that portable high-quality machines are available in the £20 000–30 000 price range. James, Barbour and Stone (see page 1149), suggest there will be some, albeit limited, ability of sideline ultrasound to …

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  • For further discussion/illustration of match day imaging, visit both the BJSM podcast and:

  • Competing interests The author is the medical director of the Sydney Roosters rugby league team and Cricket NSW, teams which have access to comprehensive match-day stadium imaging, including MR scanning. However, he has no personal financial interest in the available scanners.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; not externally peer reviewed.