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Analyses of pointing actions of top male competitors in karate at world level
  1. Seied Mohammad Marandi,
  2. Vahid Zolaktaf,
  3. Mohammad Reza Batavani
  1. Faculty of PE and Sports Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Karate takes a significant place in sport today. Work goal is determination of quantity indicators related to pointing action at sports fights at top-level male karate competitors. Pointing actions were analysed through basic pointing ways (attack, interception and counterattack) and pointing techniques that exist in sports fight and are defined by judging rules. Research is based on analysis of seven final matches at all weighting categories in male competition at the World Championships in Finland 2006. Collecting of data was performed by analysis of electronic material of completely recorded fights, and by Quintic software. For record of data, used from special forms that was assigned by 2 statistical experts and 15 coaches of Iran national karate team. Methods of descriptive statistical analyse and analyses of quantity differences were used for data processing.

Result Quantity indicators show that men have pointed dominantly from attack (61.6%) while pointing from counterattack (19.6%) and interception (18.6%) have lower frequency, significantly (p≤0.05). Pointing techniques that have dominant frequency are combination techniques (36.7%), gjaku tsuki dzodan (18.1%) and gjaku tsuki cudan (7.7%). Besides that, gjaku tsuki dzodan (28.5%) was the most effective technique to take point. Head (66%), as most common goal area to achieve point (p≤0.05), doing the technique under pressure of opponent (34.2%), as most common pressure, central zone of Tatami (52.7%), as most motion area of actions, middle distance (38.4%), as most common distance from opponent, Uri asi forward (47.0%), as most common way to shortening of distance, middle open guard (36.7%) and middle close guard (29.2%), as most common offensive and defensive guards (respectively). Analyse, show that the following factors, which are very important for success and can leading to training systems.

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