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Effect of kapalbhati on selected body composition variables
  1. Ajay Singh Ruhal1,
  2. Rakesh Bhandari2,
  3. Ranjan Chakravarti3
  1. 1Reader, DESSH, NCERT, New Delhi, India
  2. 2Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
  3. 3Lecturer, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India


The purpose of the study 30 male students of BPE first year of LNIPE (Deemed University), Gwalior were randomly selected as subjects for this study. Subjects were divided into two groups that is, one experimental group and one control group. The quantitative measurements of each subject were taken with the help of standard equipment, before and after the treatment period of 12 weeks. The selected body composition variables were body fat (%), lean body mass (kg), body water content (%) and basal metabolic rate (KCl) were administered in the Yoga Laboratory of the Institute. Paired ‘t’ test was applied to determine the effect of kapalbhati on selected body composition variables. The paired ‘t’ test revealed that practice of kapalbhati pranayama had significant effect on body fat % (t = 5.47, against required value of 1.761), lean body mass (t = 9.65, against required value of 1.761), body water content (t = 17.24, against required value of 1.761) and basal metabolic rate (t = 9.410, against required value of 1.761) which showed significant effect of practice of kapalbhati pranayama. On the basis of results following conclusions were drawn: (1) significant effect was found on body fat % and no change was found in control group. (2) Significant effect was found on lean body mass and no change was found in control group. (3) Significant effect was found on body water content and no change was found in control group. (4) Significant effect was found on basal metabolic rate and no change was found in control group.

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