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  1. C Rosimus,
  2. K Currell
  1. English Institute of Sport, Loughborough University, UK


The aim was to establish a self assessed, pre-exercise hydration guideline, using urine osmolality as an indicator of hydration status in male elite cricketers and to use this as a guide for fluid intake. Thirteen elite male cricketers (Age: 23±2 y) participated in this study. Data were collected during a seven day training camp at the English National Cricket Centre, Loughborough. Participants provided a urine sample and body weight was recorded 30 minutes prior to the first training session of the day. Participants were then asked to drink a set amount of fluid dependent on their urine osmolality and body weight. The amount of fluid was set from guidelines based on guidelines available in the current literature. A one way ANOVA was used to compare pre-training urine osmolality on each of the seven days of data collection. There was a difference in urine osmolality between days (F6,105=3.494, P=0.003), with urine osmolality on day three being 32% greater than day five and 27% greater than day six. Mean urine osmolality at baseline was 747±142−1, rising to 910±151−1 by day 3 and returning back to baseline 764±199−1 by day 7. Guidelines were demonstrated to be easy to use with 100% compliance. Self-assessment of hydration can feasibly be carried out 30 minutes before exercise. The decline compared to baseline, in pre-exercise urine osmolality by day 5, suggests self-directed management of hydration contributed to improved fluid intake over a prolonged period. The ease of use, and apparent efficacy of the regimen, requires further evaluation at competition level.

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