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Increased life expectancy for physically active Norwegians
  1. Eivind Berge
  1. Correspondence to Dr Eivind Berge, Department of Cardiology, Oslo University Hospital, Kirkeveien 144, NO-0407 Oslo, Norway; eivind.berge{at}

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Physical activity is essential for health and longevity,1 but modern ways of living are negligent to this truth. Instead, we need reminders that physical activity should be an integrated part of life, rather than some rare, extra and burdensome obligation. Two large Norwegian population-based studies2 ,3 serve as such reminders, and call for political actions that can stimulate physical activity and improve public health.

The Oslo Study in 1972–1973 recruited 14 846 healthy men born in 1923–1932, and has followed these men until 2012.4–6 In the present article, 5738 men who were alive and available in 2000 (mean age 73 years) have been followed until 2012, and the analyses show a strong association between physical activity and survival in these elderly men.2 The importance of physical activity is illustrated in several ways, for example by showing that associations …

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