Table of contents

June 2015 - Volume 49 - 12

Consensus statement

  • Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletesEditor's Choice (1 June, 2015)
    Adam Weir, Peter Brukner, Eamonn Delahunt, Jan Ekstrand, Damian Griffin, Karim M Khan, Greg Lovell, William C Meyers, Ulrike Muschaweck, John Orchard, Hannu Paajanen, Marc Philippon, Gilles Reboul, Philip Robinson, Anthony G Schache, Ernest Schilders, Andreas Serner, Holly Silvers, Kristian Thorborg, Timothy Tyler, Geoffrey Verrall, Robert-Jan de Vos, Zarko Vuckovic, Per Hölmich

Minimum reporting standards



Original articles

PEDro systematic review update