Table 6

Most discriminative tests in combination

DiagnosisInvestigationSens (%)Spec (%)PreprobPostprobPreoddsPostodds
PA injuryBilateral BMO47.373.00.630.751.672.92
MRI PA injury75.385.70.630.891.678.80
Palp PA85.368.10.630.821.674.46
Tests conducted in seriesPalp PA and MRI PA64.295.40.630.931.677.78
Adductor injuryBMO present87.535.
MRI adductor injury85.770.10.150.670.170.49
Palp Add94.647.
Tests conducted in seriesPalp Add and MRI Add81.184.30.630.471.670.89
  • Sensitivity, specificity, pretest probability, pretest odds, post-test probability and post-test odds for the most useful diagnostic tests for pubic aponeurosis and adductor injury.

  • BMO, pubic bone marrow oedema; L, left side; PA, pubic aponeurosis; R, right side; Sens, sensitivity; Spec, specificity; SQ0°, adductor squeeze test at 0° hip flexion; SQ90°, adductor squeeze test at 90° hip flexion.