TableĀ 2

Demographic data regarding the included injured athletes

Age (years)25.8 (5.8) 5.7)
Sports category
Athletics4 (4.4)
Basketball2 (2.2)
Decathlon1 (1.1)
Football66 (73.3)
Futsal8 (8.9)
Handball3 (3.3)
Hockey2 (2.2)
Physical Coach Football1 (1.1)
Squash1 (1.1)
Volleyball1 (1.1)
Weightlifting and body building1 (1.1)
Previous Hamstring injuries58 (64.4)
Previous ipsilateral Hamstring injuries28 (31.1)
  • Age is presented as: mean (SD), sports category and past history of hamstring injury are presented as numbers (percentage).