Table 2

Cold pressor test (mean (SD))

Control(N=23)Achilles tendinopathy (N=20)p Values*
Achilles tendon PPT (kPa)†
 Before cold pressor test671.4 (215.7)253 (80.5)<0.001
 During cold pressor test831.9 (213.3)289.4 (114.3)<0.001
CPM effect (kPa)160.5 (84.9)36.4 (68.1)<0.001
Water temperature (°C)9.0 (0.9)9.1 (0.8)0.73
NPRS during cold pressor test6.2 (1.3)6.9 (1.6)0.15
  • *p Values correspond to independent t tests.

  • †Contralateral to the dominant hand for the control group and the (most) affected for the Achilles tendinopathy group.

  • °C, degrees Celsius; CPM, conditioned pain modulation; kPa, kilopascal; NRPS, Numerical Pain Rating Scale.