Table 4

Data extraction tool for studies using genetic testing

Study design Participants Review of evidence
First author, year Study type Modality Sport Age/level (mean ± SD, range) Gender (M/F) n (control description) Time from injury to examination Risk of bias
McDevitt J, 201587 PCSVNTR/GRIN2AAny19.5±6.0 yearsM/F87 C+Recovery followed prospectively; ≤60 days postinjuryHigh
Gill J, 201685 PCSRNAAnyControl: 18.5±0.4 years; concussed: 19.4±1.5 yearsM/F15 C+, 16 C-BL, within 6 hours and 7 days postinjuryModerate
Madura SA, 201690 PCSSLC17A7Any20.0±6.3 yearsM/F40 C+Recovery followed prospectively; ≤20 days postinjuryHigh
Merchant-Borna K, 201686 PCSmRNAFB, IH, SCR, LXControl: 18.5±0.4 years; concussed: 19.4±1.5 yearsM/F16 C+, 16 C- teammate controls (253 C- at BL including C+ athletes)BL, within 6 hours, and 7 days postinjuryModerate
Merritt VC, 201689 PCSAPOEAny19.3±1.5 yearsM/F45 C+, 43 C-10.0±14.3 days postinjuryModerate
Merritt VC, 201688 CSAPOEAnyPositive ϵ4 allele group 19.9±1.4 years; negative ϵ4 allele group 20±1.6 yearsM/F42 C+9.8±14.6 days postinjury (range of 0–72 days)Moderate
  • Definitions and coding for Table 4: Author indicates last name of first author. Year refers to year of publication.

  • Study type coded as follows: CS, clinical series; PCS, prospective cohort study.

  • Modality refers to specific genetic marker(s) studied: VNTR, variable number tandem repeats; GRIN2A, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 2A; APOE, Apolipoprotein e; SLC17A7, Solute Carrier Family 17 Member 7.

  • Sports coded as follows: BX, boxing; FB, football; FH, field hockey; IH, ice hockey; LX, LaCrosse; OT, other; RB, rugby; SCR, soccer; WR, wrestling.

  • Age/Level coded as follows: Col, college; HS, high school; O, other; P, professional; Y, youth.

  • F/M indicates gender: F, female; M, male; list both if it applies.

  • Misc: BL, baseline.

  • Risk of bias: overall risk of bias rated as low, moderate, high or unclear, based on modified QUADAS-2 critical appraisal tool (see online supplementary appendix 2).