Table 4

Stepwise regression models for change in quadriceps strength (kg/cm), static posturography (Equitest), and dynamic balance (using the figure of eight test in m/s) including standardised β coefficients and adjusted R2

10 week change in the variablePredictorStandardised βAdjusted R2
Variables entered: baseline value (Equitest, figure of eight, or quad strength respectively), age (years), medications (number of current), tobacco (1 = yes, 0 = no), height (cm), weight (kg), oestrogen use (years), current physical activity (h/week), and Osteofit (1 = yes, 0 = no).
*p<0.01, **p<0.05, ***p<0.10 (in final model).
Static balance (Equitest) (composite score)Baseline (Equitest)−0.52*0.26
Dynamic balanceBaseline (seconds)−0.86*0.42
(figure of eight velocity)Medications (number) 0.26*0.47
Age (years) 0.21**0.50
Height (cm)−0.15***0.51
Knee extension strengthBaseline (g/cm)−0.46*0.23
(g/cm corrected for height)Physical activity (h/week) 0.27*0.33
Oestrogen (years) 0.22**0.37
Age (years) 0.22**0.41