Table 1

Physical and training characteristics of cyclists at start of the study (maxtest 1)

Values are mean (SD); n=6 cyclists per group.
*Training volume over the two months preceding the start of the study.
CT, Continuous training programme; IT, intermittent training programme.
Age (years)25.3 (7.0)22.8 (3.5)
Height (cm)181.8 (6.1)187.5 (5.3)
Weight (kg)73.3 (5.7)74.1 (7.0)
Percentage fat12.4 (2.5)12.8 (2.7)
Fat-free mass (kg)64.1 (4.6)64.6 (5.4)
Maximal power output (W/kg)4.5 (0.46)4.5 (0.54)
Vo2max (ml/kg/min)58.4 (5.5)59.2 (4.8)
Lactate threshold (% vo2max)68.7 (3.0)67.6 (4.9)
Years of training6.0 (2.1)7.5 (4.2)
Training volume (hours/week)*15.6 (1.1)16.1 (1.5)