Table 1

Massage protocol

Massage techniqueDescriptionGrade
The protocol represents the procedures followed during each of the four five minute massage periods. All petrissage was interspersed with effleurage grade 2 in a centripetal direction.
StrokingWhole hand two handed in a centripetal direction4 strokes grade 1, two strokes grade 2
EffleurageWhole hand two handed, centripetal and multidirectionalGrade 1 up to grade 2
KneadingWhole hand two handed, centripetal and centrifugalGrade 1 up to grade 2
Picking upWhole hand two handed v-shaped, centripetalGrade 1 up to grade 2
WringingWhole hand two handed, centripetal, centrifugal, multidirectionalGrade 1
RollingMuscle rolling, centripetalGrade 2
EffleurageWhole hand two handed, centripetalGrade 2