Table 4

 Injury categories for data tabulation

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Level 1, Body region; level 2, body part; level 3, common diagnoses; level 4, specific diagnoses.
Head and neckHead and facialFractured facial bonesSpecific diagnoses
Other head and facial injuriesSpecific diagnoses
NeckNeck injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Upper limbShoulderShoulder tendon injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Other shoulder injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Elbow/armArm/forearm fracturesSpecific diagnoses
Other elbow/arm injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Wrist and handWrist and hand fracturesSpecific diagnoses
Other wrist and hand injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Trunk and backTrunkSide and abdominal strainsSpecific diagnoses
Other trunk injuriesSpecific diagnoses
BackLumbar stress fracturesSpecific diagnoses
Other lumbar injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Lower limbGroin, buttock and thighGroin and hip injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Thigh and hamstring muscle strainsSpecific diagnoses
Buttock and other thigh injuriesSpecific diagnoses
KneeKnee cartilage injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Other knee injuriesSpecific diagnoses
Shin, foot and ankleShin and foot stress fracturesSpecific diagnoses
Ankle and foot sprainsSpecific diagnoses
Other shin, foot and ankle injuriesSpecific diagnoses
IllnessIllnessHeat related illnessSpecific diagnoses
Other medical illnessSpecific diagnoses