Table 2

 Peak mean (SD) stance phase knee valgus comparisons (in degrees) for three different movement conditions based on three measurement techniques

MeasureSide stepSide jumpShuttle run
3D, Three dimensional data quantified from external marker coordinates using standard techniques; 2D-Mot, two dimensional data obtained from the frontal plane projections of the external marker coordinates; 2D-Cam, two dimensional data obtained from manual digitisation of digital video footage.
3D9.2 (3.7)6.4 (2.8)8.1 (4.0)
2D-Mot26.2 (8.5)18.7 (8.9)36.2 (10.3)
2D-Cam27.6 (7.3)19.6 (9.3)34.0 (5.6)