Table 1

 Exercise addiction inventory and individual factor loadings using principal component analysis

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeFactor loadingAddiction component
Exercise is the most important thing in my life123450.754Salience
Conflicts have arisen between me and my family and/or my partner about the amount of exercise I do123450.610Conflict
I use exercise as a way of changing my mood (e.g. to get a buzz, to escape, etc.)123450.800Mood modification
Over time I have increased the amount of exercise I do in a day123450.742Tolerance
If I have to miss an exercise session I feel moody and irritable123450.801Withdrawal
If I cut down the amount of exercise I do, and then start again, I always end up exercising as often as I did before123450.762Relapse