Table 5

 Player recall of intervention components in relation to the number of visits they made to the PEP venues

Yes, noticed component of promotion*<2 visits2–10 visits10+ visits
Values are n (%).
*Players could respond with more that one option.
Posters21 (77.8%)61 (79.2%)144 (81.8%)
Pamphlets3 (11.1%)6 (7.8%)49 (27.8%)
Stickers8 (29.6%)12 (15.6%)60 (34.1%)
Eyewear available to borrow4 (14.8%)13 (16.9%)58 (33.0%)
Cheaper eyewear07 (9.1%)20 (7.1%)
Incentive to try and purchase eyewear07 (9.1%)18 (10.1%)