Table 1

 Mean (SD) 10 m time, total 10 m sprint time, % decline in 10 m sprint time, 20 m sprint time, total 20 m sprint time, % decline in 20 m sprint time and total distance covered for Skins, Adidas, Under Armour and control conditions

UA, Under Armour.
10 m (s)2.00 (0.09)1.99 (0.08)1.99 (0.09)2.01 (0.06)
10 m total (s)54.06 (2.53)53.99 (2.12)53.84 (2.61)54.38 (1.72)
10 m decline (%)6.4 (2.3)5.5 (2.7)6.0 (1.9)5.9 (2.4)
20 m (s)3.42 (0.16)3.42 (0.14)3.40 (0.15)3.48 (0.08)
20 m total (s)92.35 (4.27)92.47 (3.80)92.06 (4.13)93.98 (2.05)
20 m decline (%)5.4 (2.9)5.2 (2.0)5.9 (2.0)6.0 (2.3)
Total distance (m)3488.4 (197.4)3484.4 (176.4)3517.8 (367.3)3370.7 (239.8)