Table 2

Follow-up results of three athletes presenting with an abnormal ECG on initial screening

Athlete Symptoms FH of SCD (<35 year) ECG abnormality EchocardiogramExercise Stress Test and 24 h Holter ECG CMRScreened first-degree relatives Diagnosis
(1) 19-year-old West-Asian footballer (1.99 m2 BSA)NoNoRAE, profound voltage (77 mm), Q waves in II, III, aVF, T wave inversion in I, II, III, aVL, aVF and ST segment depression in II, III and aVFSubaortic IVSd bulge of 20 mm, without obstruction of the outflow tractNo arrhythmia during exercise with appropriate BP response. Few monomorphic PVB on Holter monitoringAsymmetric septal hypertrophy with a maximal septal wall thickness of 20 mm versus lateral wall of 11 mm without obstruction. No LGE, oedema or systolic dysfunctionFather's ECG and Echo confirmed HCMNon-obstructive HCM
(2) 29-year-old Black African-American basketball player (2.35 m2 BSA)NoNoProfound voltage in V3, deep T wave inversion in V6Normal apart from max wall thickness of 13.6 mmNo arrhythmia during exercise with appropriate BP responseMild asymmetric hypertrophy of IVSd without obstruction (basal 8 mm, mid 15 mm, apical 9 mm), associated with significant mid-septum transmural fibrosisNot availableNon-obstructive HCM
No arrhythmia on Holter
(3) 27-year-old West-Asian Futsal player (1.75 m2 BSA)NoNoProfound voltage in V4 (59 mm), T wave inversion in II, III, aVF, V2–V6 and ST segment depression in V4–V5Normal (max wall thickness 8.2 mm)No arrhythmia during exercise with appropriate BP responseApical segments are disproportionally thickened, increased basal and septal wall thickness. No LGE, oedema or systolic dysfunctionNot availableMild variant of apical HCM
No arrhythmia on Holter
  • BP, blood pressure; BSA, body surface area; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; FH, family history; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; IVSd, intraventricular septum in diastole; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; PVB, premature ventricular beats; RAE, right atrial enlargement; SCD, sudden cardiac death.