Table 2

Population sources, activities, muscles and variables evaluated in each included study

PaperPopulation sourceFunctional activityMuscles (method)EMG variable
Aminaka et al36University student population and surrounding communityStair (18 cm) ascent and descent at slef-selected speedGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 3 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
Duration of activity
Brindle et al39University student population and surrounding communityStair (18 cm) ascent and descent at natural speedGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 5 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
Duration of activity
Average magnitude of activity (%MVC—linear envelope from onset to offset)
Boling et al34One university clinic and university populationStair (20 cm) ascent and descent at 96 steps/minGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 3 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
Duration of activity
Cowan et al32Not reportedStair (22 cm) ascent (single step up as quickly as possible in response to visual prompt)Ant. GMed (surface)Onset (indentified visually)
Post. GMed (intramuscular)Peak magnitude (%MVC)
Earl et al33Three local physical therapy and sports medicine clinicsLateral step down (20.3 cm) with a 1 s descentGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 3 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
Nakagawa et al38Single physical therapy clinicStair (20 cm) descent at 96 steps/minGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 2 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
Single leg jump as high as possibleAverage magnitude of activity (%MVC—linear envelope from onset to foot strike)
Ott et al40Not reportedSingle leg anterior reaching taskGMed (surface)Average magnitude of activity (normalised to quiet unilateral stance—average over period from 500 ms prior to heel strike until heel strike)
Saad et al37Not reportedStair (20 cm) ascent and descent at natural speedGMed (surface)Average magnitude of activity (linear envelope for the duration of activity)
Souza and Powers35Convenience, local physical therapy and orthopaedic clinicsOver ground running (15 m run-way) at 3 m/sGMed (surface)Average magnitude of activity (%MVC—average over stance period)
Stair (10% body height) descent—step down over a 2 s periodGMax (surface)
Double leg drop jump landing (35 cm)
Willson et al31Three area universities and two community fitness centresOver ground running (20 m run-way) at between 3.52 and 3.89 m/sGMed (surface)Onset timing (threshold of 5 SD increase in EMG activity from resting)
GMax (surface)Duration of activity
Peak magnitude (%MVC)
Average magnitude of activity (%MVC—linear envelope from onset to offset)
  • EMG, electromyography; GMax, gluteus maximus; GMed, gluteus medius; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction.