Table 5

Summary of included studies investigating reliability

StudyParticipantsInclusion–exclusion criteriaStudy designTests investigated
Alonso et al36N=53 (38M, 15F)
Age: 24.3±8.5 years (12–52)
Time between injury and test: 34.2±125 days, median 5
60.4% tested within 7 days of injury
All involved in a ball sport
Excluded if: ▸ Open wound in the area of the lower leg and ankle ▸ Fracture of the tibia or fibula ▸ Ankle pain of non-mechanical origin ▸ Any condition that might be exacerbated by test procedures 9 physiotherapists, 2 clinics
Experience in sports injuries 1–11 years with average of 5 years
Training session for the 4 tests
First rater was participant's therapist. Second rater blinded to results. Results independently documented
Tests performed at first consultation during routine examination
Squeeze test
Dorsiflexion with compression test
External rotation test
Ligament palpation
Beumer et al26N=12
3 with suspected chronic syndesmosis injury
9 healthy subjects with asymptomatic ankles

Not definedParticipants sat behind a curtain with exposure only of the lower legs
Both legs were examined twice in a different order by 7 examiners (4 orthopaedic surgeons, 3 orthopaedic registrars)
Participants did not speak and indicated pain by tapping on a wooden board then pointing to the place where pain was felt
Injury diagnosis based on medical history, physical examination and diagnostic imaging
Squeeze test
Cotton test
Fibula translation
External rotation stress test
Anterior drawer
Dorsiflexion range of motion