TableĀ 1

The AGREE II domains against which the 2008 International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport was assessed

DomainDomain descriptionNumber of itemsDoman score mean (range)AGREE II domain percentage score (%)
1Scope and purpose is concerned with the overall aim of the guideline, the specific health questions and the target populations (max score=21)317 (11, 21)78
2Stakeholder involvement focuses on the extent to which the guideline was developed by the appropriate stakeholders and represents the views of its intended users (max score=21)315 (9, 21)65
3Rigour of development relates to the process used to gather and synthesise the evidence, as well as the methods to formulate the recommendations and update them (max score=56)839 (14, 56)64
4Clarity of presentation deals with the language, structure and format of the guideline (max score=21)317 (7, 21)78
5Applicability pertains to the likely barriers and facilitators to implementation, strategies to improve uptake and resource implications of applying the guidelines (max score=28)417 (7, 22)55
6Editorial independence is concerned with the formulation of recommendations not being unduly biased with competing interests (max score=14)211 (5, 14)77
  • Domain percentage scores are presented as a percentage of the maximum possible score for each domain.

  • AGREE Next Steps Consortium (2009). The AGREE II Instrument (Electronic version).