TableĀ 7

The quality score and scientific level of evidence for articles investigating hamstring eccentric exercise as a preventative exercise to prevent injury in professional footballers

Study nameStudy designParticipant detailsPlaying levelMain findingQuality score (%)Level of evidence
Arnason et al16Non-randomised controlled trial18 to 24 players per team: 24 to 31 teamsIcelandic Premier League and 1st Division
Norwegian Premier League
Supports hamstring eccentric exercise to prevent injuries542+
*Croisier et al13Prospective cohort462 players (n of teams not specified)Brazilian, Belgian and French leagues (Specific level not specified)Supports hamstring eccentric exercise712+
Askling et al17Randomised controlled trial30 players from 2 teamsSwedish Premier LeagueSupports hamstring eccentric exercise691+
  • *Article used in more than 1 section.