TableĀ 2

Details of study design, quality assessment, mixed or athletic population included in each study and the definition of return to sport extracted from the text of each study, with the scale to measure activity level (when used)

Authors and yearStudy designQuality assessmentPopulationReturn to sport evaluation
Noyes and Barber-Westin (1996)21Prospective observational study5MixedSport activity preoperatively and at follow-up
Johnson et al (1996)22Prospective observational study5MixedSport activity frequency preoperatively and postoperatively
Noyes and Barber-Westin (2001)23Prospective observational study3MixedReturn to sports
Cincinnati knee rating system
O'Shea and Shelbourne (2002)12Prospective observational study3MixedReturn to sports
Taggart et al (2004)24Retrospective case series5AthletesReturn to same pre-injury sport
Return to sport at any level
Carson et al (2004)25Retrospective case series3MixedReturn to sports
O'Neill (2004)26Prospective observational study5MixedReturn to same pre-injury sport
Return to pivoting\cutting\contact
Grossman et al (2005)10Retrospective case series3MixedReturn to same pre-injury activity and sport
Return to collegiate sport
Thomas et al (2005)13Prospective comparative study4MixedReturn to original level of sport activity
Ferretti et al (2006)27Prospective observational study6AthletesReturn to same pre-injury sports
Return to sports
Garofalo et al (2006)28Prospective observational study6AthletesReturn to previous sport activity
IKCD activity score
Noyes and Barber-Westin (2006)29Prospective observational study3MixedReturn to sport
Cincinnati knee rating system
Salmon et al (2006)30Prospective observational study4MixedIKDC activity score
Battaglia et al (2007)31Prospective observational study3MixedReturn to sport
IKDC activity score
Denti et al (2008)32Prospective observational study5MixedReturn to same pre-injury sports
Diamantopoulos et al (2008)33Prospective observational study5MixedReturn to same pre-injury sport activity
Wegrzyn et al (2009)34Retrospective case series4MixedReturn to same pre-injury sports
Muneta et al (2010)35Retrospective comparative study5MixedReturn to sport activity equal to pre-injury level
Reinhardt et al (2012)36Prospective observational study6AthletesReturn to same or higher activity\sport level
IKDC activity score
Franceschi et al (2013)37Prospective observational study5MixedReturn to pre-injury sport level
Return to lower non-impact sports
Gifstad et al (2013)11Prospective observational study5MixedReturn to same or better pre-injury sport level
Buda et al (2013)38Prospective observational study6AthletesReturn to same pre-injury sport level
Sport resumption at lower level
Shelbourne et al (2014)39Prospective comparative study6AthletesReturn to same sport at previous level
  • IKDC, International Knee Documentation Committee.