Table 3

Prevalence of ‘training-related’ ECG findings

Total (n=330)Males (n=186)Females (n=144)
Sinus arrhythmia*180 (55%)97 (52%)83 (57%)
Sinus bradycardia169 (51%)95 (51%)74 (51%)
 Heart rate 30–60 bpm.
Early repolarisation (any territory)174 (53%)141 (76%)†33 (23%)
Incomplete RBBB140 (42%)82 (44%)58 (40%)
 RSR’ pattern in V1
 QRS <100 ms90 (27%)37 (20%)†53 (37%)
 QRS 100–120 ms50 (15%)45 (24%)†5 (3%)
Isolated QRS voltage criteria for LVH‡107 (32%)95 (51%)†12 (8%)
 Sokolow Lyon criteria93 (28%)81 (43%)†12 (8%)
 Cornell criteria46 (14%)36 (19%)†10 (7%)
1st degree AV block11 (3%)7 (4%)4 (3%)
 PR interval >200 ms
Junctional escape rhythm*5 (2%)3 (2%)2 (1%)
Ectopic atrial rhythm*4 (1%)2 (1%)2 (1%)
Mobitz Type I 2nd degree AV block*1 (<1%)0 (0%)1 (1%)
  • Text in italics are definitions of ECG findings according to 2010 ESC and 2013 Seattle criteria.

  • *ECG finding was defined as ‘normal’ according to the Seattle criteria, but was not defined in the ESC criteria.

  • †p<0.001 for males versus females.

  • ‡Data presented are for isolated LVH voltage criteria considering definitions for left atrial enlargement, TWI, and pathologic Q waves under the 2013 Seattle Criteria..

  • AV, atrioventricular; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; RBBB, right bundle branch block; TWI, T wave inversion.