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Traumatic tear of tibialis anterior during a Gaelic football game: a case report
  1. M Constantinou1,
  2. A Wilson2
  1. 1University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  2. 2St Vincent’s Hospital, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
  1. Correspondence to:
 Maria Constantinou
 University of Queensland, Physiotherapy Department, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia;


Reports of traumatic injury to the anterior lower leg muscles are scarce, with only a handful of reports of traumatic injury to the tibialis anterior. A database search of Medline, Cinhal, and Sports Discus only revealed three such cases, and they did not result from a direct sporting injury. This report documents the case of a traumatic rupture of tibialis anterior muscle in a young female Gaelic football player. It details the surgical repair and management of tibialis anterior muscle and the physiotherapy rehabilitation to full function.

  • tibialis anterior tendon
  • muscle tear
  • Gaelic football

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