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Soccer injuries of youth.
  1. S Schmidt-Olsen,
  2. L K Bünemann,
  3. V Lade,
  4. J O Brassøe


    During a soccer tournament with participation of 6,600 boys and girls (9-19 years) all injuries were evaluated, 5.2% of the players were injured; out of these 51% had "slight injuries", 42% "moderate injuries" and 7% "severe injuries". For the individual player the incidence of injury was 19.1/1,000 playing hours including all degrees of injuries; if "slight injuries" were excluded the incidence was 9.4/1,000 playing hours. The incidence rose with increasing age, girls were injured more often than boys. There were 81% of all injuries localised to the lower extremity, especially the ankle and foot. Contusion was the most frequent diagnosis, amounting to a third of all injuries. Blisters and exoriations amounted to nearly a fifth, 4% of the injuries were fractures, especially in the upper extremity; overuse injuries were seen only in 5.2% of the cases. Based on examination of the injury pattern in these children, injuries of youth seem to be relatively rare and mostly of a non-severe character.

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