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The epidemiology of ice hockey injuries.
  1. U Jørgensen,
  2. S Schmidt-Olsen


    As part of the injury profylaxes in Denmark a questionnaire investigation was undertaken in 14 randomly chosen ice hockey teams--out of 266 players, 210 answered (79%). The injury incidence per player per 1000 hours was 4.7, i.e. 1.5 in training and 38.0 in match. Half of the injuries were localised to the head (28%) and lower extremities (27%), 19% to the upper extremities and 7% to the back. Of these 48% were contusions. Knee and elbow injuries were of longest duration. The necessity for increased shock absorption in helmets and barriers as well as built-in rotational and collateral stabilizers in the existing knee protectors for injury prophylaxis is stressed.

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