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Analysis of hurling and camogie injuries.
  1. P J Crowley,
  2. K C Condon
  1. Cork Regional Hospital, Cork, Eire.


    In 1984, 4500 people with sport injuries attended the Cork Regional Hospital. Of these, 817 were injured in the national game of hurling and camogie. Hand injuries were the most frequent occurring in approximately one third of injured players (33 per cent) and of these, just half had a closed metacarpal fracture. Facial injuries were the second most frequent category (28 per cent). Almost one third of these were nasal fractures, while forehead and eyebrow lacerations, fractured zygoma, loss of teeth are also common. Sport eye injuries referred to the Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in Cork during the same period amounted to 107, of which 26 occurred in hurling. It is believed that a properly designed protective head gear would largely eliminate such facial and eye injuries.

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