Table of contents
June 1992 - Volume 26 - 2
Research Article
- Sports medicine--where are the specialists? (1 June, 1992)
- Parachuting injuries: a follow-up communication. (1 June, 1992)
- Ultrasonographic scan in knee pain in athletes. (1 June, 1992)
- Making weight: a case study of two elite wrestlers. (1 June, 1992)
- Does exercise reduce all-cancer death rates? (1 June, 1992)
- Menarcheal age among Indian sportswomen. (1 June, 1992)
- Erratum (1 June, 1992)
Book Review
- Athletic Injuries of the Head and Neck (1 June, 1992)
- Essentials of Athletic Training (1 June, 1992)