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Sports-related injuries in elderly men still active in sports.
  1. M Kallinen,
  2. M Alén
  1. LIKES-Research Centre for Physical Culture and Health, Jyväskylä, Finland.


    By means of a questionnaire with a complementary interview and physical examination, the site and nature of sports injuries were investigated over a 10-year period (1977-1987) in 97 elderly athletes (age range 70-81 years). The athletes were still active in training and competition with a mean competition background of 15 years. Of the subjects studied 30 were strength/power athletes and the remaining 67 endurance athletes. Altogether we found 273 sports-related injuries (169 acute and 104 overuse injuries). Of the injuries 75% had occurred in the lower extremities. The most commonly injured part of the body was the knee (20% of all cases). Sprains of the thigh and knee were the most frequent types of acute injury. In most cases the treatment prescribed was rest and physiotherapy. Surgery had been necessary in ten cases (3.7% of all injuries). Mean withdrawal from normal sporting activity had, in general, been 2-3 weeks. Of the injuries, one in five had, however, lasted over several years causing some disability during sporting activities.

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