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Exercise on both sides of the curriculum
  1. Nick Halpin1,
  2. David Snadden2
  1. 1University of Dundee Counselling Services
  2. 2Tayside Centre for General Practice, University of Dundee

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    Dundee Medical School changed its curriculum five years ago to accommodate the General Medical Council publication Tomorrow's Doctors. We are in the early stages of creating a wellbeing programme for our medical students, which has only reached the pilot stage. This programme is based around an awareness raising instrument developed by the university counselling service which encourages medical students to examine their own wellbeing in the domains of mind, body, and spirit. These domains include the amount of exercise students take, how well they sleep, what type of relationships theyhave, how balancedtheir diet is, and how much they use stimulants such as caffeine. Students plot their own results and receive aggregated data from their class. Early aggregated results tend to show students scoring high in the areas of mind and spirit, eating a reasonably balanced diet, but exercising less than is ideal. Our instrument is still in the developmental stage and requires considerable work in terms of developing its validity and reliability parameters.