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HIV/AIDS in sport. Impact, issues and challenges.
  1. Brendon Murphy
  1. Final Year PhD student, Department of Immunology, St Barts and Royal London Hospitals, London EC1A 7BE, UK

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    G Sankaran, K A E Volkwein, D R Bonsall. (Pp 137; soft cover; £21.50.) Leeds: Human Kinetics Europe Ltd, 1999. ISBN 0–88011–749–4.

    The complexity of the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS in sport is dealt with in a concise yet comprehensive manner in this book. The issues range from epidemiology and immunology of HIV to ethical and legal matters. The chapter dealing with the basic science of HIV was informative and yet written in such a way as to be within the grasp of someone not in that field. A similar section dealing with exercise and immune function was well covered, and I agree with the conclusion that more work should be carried out in this particular area. Personal accounts of both amateur sports people and international sport stars were insightful, but lacked depth and skimmed the surface of the full implications in this difficult area. However, these may lie beyond the scope of such a broad ranging book. The chapters dealing with legal and ethical issues were, on the whole, difficult to read and perhaps not geared for the layman. The helplines would only really be appropriate to readers living in the United States. This and the high price are the only criticisms I have of a neat and well presented book that is bound to become well thumbed by those in the field.


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