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Prevalence of temporomandibular dysfunction in a group of scuba divers
  1. R D Aldridge1,
  2. M R Fenlon2
  1. 1Kings College London, UK
  2. 2GKT Dental Institute, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Aldridge
 Prosthetics Department, Kings College London, Floor 20 Guys Tower, London Bridge, London SE1 9RT, UK;


Background: Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) has been reported to be a common problem in divers, with a prevalence of up to 68%. No evidence for this is available.

Objective: To investigate the prevalence of TMD in divers.

Method: Sixty three subjects were asked to retrospectively complete a questionnaire on symptoms of TMD after diving in warm and cold water areas and in daily life.

Results: The prevalence of TMD was greater in female divers. The prevalence of TMD while diving was about 26%, comparable to that experienced in daily life.

Conclusion: Improvements in mouthpiece design and lighter demand valves mean that TMD is now probably exacerbated by diving rather than caused by it.

  • temporomandibular dysfunction
  • jaw
  • scuba diving
  • TMD, temporomandibular dysfunction
  • TMJ, temporomandibular joint

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