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Deep cutting injury from the edges of a snowboard
  1. T Matsunaga1,
  2. S Saitoh2,
  3. H Tanikawa1,
  4. M Hayashi1,
  5. M Ohira2,
  6. T Kimura2
  1. 1Department of Orthopaedics, Azumi General Hospital, Azumi, Japan
  2. 2Department of Physical Therapy, Shinshu University School of Health Sciences, Matsumoto City, 390-8621 Japan
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Saitoh
 Department of Physical Therapy, Shinshu University School of Health Sciences, Asahi 3-1-1, Matsumoto City, 390-8621 Japan;


A laceration deep enough to reach the bone occurs very rarely in skiing or snowboarding. Two such cases are presented here. In one case, the popliteal fossa of a skier was cut during a collision with a snowboarder. All structures posterior to the knee were severed and the leg became ischaemic. The other case was of a snowboarder who sustained a deep cut to the distal forearm during landing after a jump, resulting in a “spaghetti wrist”.

  • lacerations
  • skiing
  • snowboarding
  • injury
  • popliteal vessels

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