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Failure of operative treatment in a fast bowler with bilateral spondylolysis
  1. V S Ranawat,
  2. M B Heywood-Waddington
  1. Broomfield Hospital, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Mr Ranawat
 Broomfield Hospital, RNOH SpR Rotation, 503 Liverpool Road, London N7 8NS, UK;


Modern day fast bowling places immense strain on the spine. Stress fractures of the lumbar region are common. If a period of conservative treatment fails to return a fast bowler to professional sport, surgery is considered. Good results have been reported using a direct screw repair of the spondylolytic defect. A case is presented of a failed surgical intervention with an alternative technique.

  • bowler
  • cricket
  • spondylolysis
  • spine
  • stress fracture

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