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Extreme risk taker who wants to continue taking part in high risk sports after serious injury
  1. M Pain,
  2. J H Kerr
  1. Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, Japan
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor Kerr
 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Kokushikan University, 7-3-1 Nagayama, Tama-shi, 206 8515 Tokyo, Japan;


The case is reported of a 40 year old male high risk sport athlete who had seriously injured himself several times and as a result was partially physically disabled and had trouble with mental tasks requiring concentration such as spelling, reading numbers, and writing. The athlete was referred to a sports psychologist. In consultations, it became clear that he was having difficulty reconciling the difference between his life as it used to be and as it would be in the future. Part of his difficulty was dealing with the frustration and anger “outbursts” which resulted from not being able to perform straightforward everyday motor skills. In spite of his injuries and disability, the patient badly wanted to continue participating in extreme sports. Reversal theory is used in the discussion to provide theoretical explanations of the motivation for his extreme risk taking behaviour.

  • high risk sport
  • serious injury
  • psychology
  • reversal theory

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