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Lumbar spine region pathology and hamstring and calf injuries in athletes: is there a connection?
  1. J W Orchard1,
  2. P Farhart2,
  3. C Leopold3
  1. 1University of Melbourne/South Sydney Sports Medicine, Australia
  2. 2Cricket New South Wales
  3. 3Sydney X-Ray
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Orchard
 South Sydney Sports Medicine, 111 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia;


This paper discusses the theory that subtle lumbosacral canal impingement of the L5 nerve root may be a relatively common occurrence in older footballers and may in fact be a common underlying basis for the age related predisposition towards hamstring and calf strains.

  • L5 nerve root
  • calf
  • extraforaminal entrapment
  • hamstring
  • lumbosacral ligament

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