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Sit to stand transfer: performance in rising power, transfer time and sway by age and sex in senior athletes
  1. J B Feland,
  2. R Hager,
  3. R M Merrill
  1. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr J B Feland
    Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, USA;


Objective: To observe the differences in performance variables of the sit to stand transfer (as measured on the NeuroCom Balance Master) in a population of senior athletes.

Method: A convenience sample of 173 subjects aged 50 years and older. Data were obtained from voluntary participation in a health fair offered at the annual Huntsman World Senior Games in St George, Utah, USA. All sit to stand tests were performed on the NeuroCom Balance Master. The measured parameters were weight transfer time (WTT), rising power (force exerted to rise), and centre of gravity sway (COG sway) during the rising phase.

Results: A significant difference was found between stratified age groups (50–64 and 65+ years) on rising power. There was also a sex difference in rising power. No significant differences were found in weight transfer time or COG sway.

Conclusion: While rising power decreases with increasing age in senior athletes, WTT and COG sway remain similar regardless of age or sex. The maintenance of these other two variables (WTT and COG sway) may be attributable to physical activity and/or participation in sport.

  • ADL, activities of daily living
  • COG, centre of gravity
  • STS, sit to stand
  • WTT, weight transfer time
  • Balance
  • sit to stand
  • age
  • master
  • athlete

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