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K L Quarrie, S M Gianotti, D J Chalmers, et al. An evaluation of mouthguard requirements and dental injuries in New Zealand rugby union (Br J Sports Med 2005;39:650–4). A number of errors were spotted following publication of this article. The errors are as follows:

In the results section under the sub-heading “Dental injury claims” “wearers” and “non-wearers” are juxtaposed. The sentence should read:

Using the methods and assumptions outlined above, the estimate for the relative risk of claims for non-wearers was 4.6 (90% CI 3.8 to 5.6) times that of wearers.

In the discussion section, the final two sentences contain errors. The penultimate sentence should read:

Among the junior players, 23 orofacial injuries were reported by 24 non-wearers and 16 injuries by 45 wearers.

In the final sentence of the fourth paragraph the words “wearers” and “non-wearers” are again in the wrong order. The last sentence of the fourth paragraph should read:

The relative rate of injury among the junior players was 2.7 (90% CI 1.6 to 4.6) for non-wearers versus wearers.

The authors apologise for these errors.

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