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Does history of concussion affect current cognitive status?
  1. A Collie1,2,
  2. P McCrory1,
  3. M Makdissi1
  1. 1University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  2. 2CogState Ltd, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Collie
 Level 7, 21 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia; acollie{at}


The association between self reported history of concussion and current neurocognitive status is controversial. Some football studies suggest that athletes with a history of concussion display cognitive impairment relative to athletes with no history of concussion, but other studies have not been able to reproduce such findings. This study shows that there is no relation between the number of previous self reported episodes of concussion and current cognitive state, directly contradicting the findings of previous research.

  • concussion history
  • cognition
  • football

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  • Competing interests: AC is an employee of CogState Ltd, the manufacturer of the cognitive testing software used in this study.