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Mobilisation of mesenchymal cells into blood in response to skeletal muscle injury
  1. M Ramírez1,
  2. A Lucia2,
  3. F Gómez-Gallego2,
  4. J Esteve-Lanao2,
  5. A Pérez-Martínez1,
  6. C Foster3,
  7. A L Andreu4,
  8. M A Martin5,
  9. L Madero1,
  10. J Arenas5,
  11. J García-Castro1
  1. 1Servicio de Oncohematología y Trasplante, Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid, Spain
  2. 2Universidad Europea de Madrid
  3. 3Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI, USA
  4. 4Centre d’Investigacions en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (CIBBIM), Hospital Universitari Vall d’He, Barcelona, Spain
  5. 5Centro de Investigación, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr García Castro
 Servicio de Oncohematología y Transplante, Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús, Avda Menéndez Pelayo 65, 28009 Madrid, Spain; jgarciac.hnjs{at}


Mesenchymal cells recruited to damaged tissues must circulate through the bloodstream. The absolute numbers of circulating mesenchymal stem cells (cMSCs) in two different models of acute and chronic skeletal muscle injury were determined. cMSCs were present in significantly higher numbers in both models than in healthy controls. These results support the hypothesis that MSCs are mobilised into the bloodstream after skeletal muscle tissue damage. These two models (acute and chronic) would be of value in the search for molecular mediators of mobilisation of MSCs into the circulation.

  • cMSC, circulating mesenchymal stem cell
  • MSC, mesenchymal stem cell
  • TnI-c, cardiac isoform of troponin I
  • McArdle’s disease
  • flow cytomery
  • mesenchymal stem cells
  • mobilisation
  • muscle damage

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  • Published Online First 28 June 2006

  • Competing interests: none declared

  • Financial support: supported by grants from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) numbers p1040487, p1041157, p1040362, and p1052217 and Fundacíon Oncohematogía Infantil.