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A martial arts injury: karate induced unilateral haematoma of the adrenal gland
  1. M Ortu1,
  2. M Vaccarezza1,2,
  3. S Trovati1,
  4. M Galli1,
  5. C Gervasoni1
  1. 1Clinical Science Department, University of Milan, L Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy
  2. 2Department of Health and Motor Sciences, University of Cassino, Italy
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Gervasoni
 Clinical Science Department, University of Milan, L Sacco Hospital, Milan 20157, Italy; cristina.gervasoni{at}


Adrenal gland haematoma is often a complication of traumatic events. The case is reported of a 45 year old man with unilateral non-symptomatic adrenal gland haematoma caused by a trauma during martial arts practice.

  • martial arts
  • karate
  • haematoma
  • adrenal gland

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  • Published Online First 24 May 2006

  • Competing interests: none declared