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The ABCs of the anterior cruciate ligament: a primer for magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the normal, injured and surgically repaired anterior cruciate ligament
  1. J Bining,
  2. G Andrews,
  3. B B Forster
  1. Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  1. Correspondence to Dr B B Forster, Department of Radiology, University of BC Hospital, 2211 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6N 1Z1; bruce.forster{at}


This article reviews the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of the native and reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). MRI is the most accurate non-invasive modality to evaluate the ACL. Tears of the ACL manifest with direct and indirect signs. The reconstructed ACL has several complications including re-tear and anterior arthrofibrosis, which are also accurately assessed using MRI.

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  • Provenance and Peer review Comissioned; not externally peer reviewed.