Table of contents
February 2009 - Volume 43 - 2
Warm up
- Limiting our daily sitting/lying to just 23.5 hours: too ambitious? (9 February, 2009)
- Too much sitting: a novel and important predictor of chronic disease risk? (2 December, 2008)
- Is the measurement of maximal oxygen intake passé? (21 August, 2008)
- Stand up, sit down, keep moving: turning circles in physical activity research? (10 November, 2008)
- Exercise physiologist’s role in clinical practice (2 December, 2008)
- The physical therapist’s role in physical activity promotion (6 October, 2008)
- Using electronic/computer interventions to promote physical activity (3 December, 2008)
Exercise medicine highlights from the BMJ
Original articles
- Effects of left- or right-hand preference on the success of boxers in Turkey (18 January, 2008)
- Notice (9 February, 2009)
Occasional pieces
- A 3G approach to a 3-dimensional problem (16 December, 2008)
Research letter
- Doctors: fighting fit or couch potatoes? (2 December, 2008)
- SportsMedUpdate (9 February, 2009)