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‘The only constant is change’: UKSEM, ISEM, Twitter, Podcasts and YouTube reflect the dynamic nature of sport and exercise medicine
  1. Karim M Khan
  1. Correspondence to Dr Karim M Khan, Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, Vancouver Costal Health Research Institute, University of British Columbia & Department of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia; 303–2647 Willow Street, Vancouver, V5Z 3P1, Canada; karim.khan{at}

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David Bowie's 1971 classic song ‘Changes’ includes the lines ‘Time may change me, but I can't trace time’. As a lapsed BASM (as it was then) member, I believe he was suggesting we could be heroes and that we should dance to the major changes we see today in BASEM, UKSEM, ISEM, Twitter and YouTube. For the more classically inclined, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is responsible for the quote in the title of this article. So let's jump in the river!


The acronym doesn't really roll off the tongue yet but it represents four incredible days of sport and exercise medicine in London this November (24–27). If you are reading this then the conference is for you—for innovation (new research), education (yours and also for sharing with students and colleagues) and for knowledge translation (turning research into action). …

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