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Introduction The surfaces on which athletes run can play a large role in determining how well they perform. Calf circumference increased significantly in sand runners. Both treatment groups showed a similar significant increase in vertical jump. The 12-min run/walk was significantly increased in sand runners. This study shows that a 6-week sand running programme may result in the most physiological and performance changes in young men.
Sample 120 PU college athletes from different colleges of Gulbarga District were selected as subjects by random sampling method and divided into four equal groups of 30 athletes in each group: Ex. Group I running training on sand, Ex. Group II running training on red mud track, Group III running training on cinder track and Group IV served as control group.
Objectives To study the effect of different running surfaces training on the performance of athletes. To assess the effect of training on different running surfaces on the calf and thigh circumference of athletes. To analyse the differences in the performance of 12 min run and walk test and vertical jump test of three different experimental groups and control group.
Methodology Before the training on different running surfaces, the performances of 12 min run and walk test and vertical jump and also calf and thigh circumference of each athlete is measured as pre-test results. Eight weeks training programme on different surfaces is conducted to all the three groups simultaneously and no training was given to control group. After the training the calf and thigh circumference of each athlete is measured as post-test results, further vertical jump test is administered and also Cooper's 12 min run and walk test is conducted on the cinder track.
Conclusions There is a significant effect of running training on different surfaces on the performances of three groups. There is a significant effect of running training on different surfaces on the performance of Group III (running training on sand) as compared to other two groups. Calf and thigh circumference increased significantly in sand runners. Both treatment groups showed a similar significant increase in vertical jump. The 12-min run/walk was significantly increased in sand runners. This kind of basic intervention training programme (ie, training on different running surfaces) would help to find a marathon runner.